
Emergency Response Team ERT

Jika anda ada sekitar 10 orang pengawal keselamatan dan lebih, amat baik kalau anda ada ERT [emergency response team].

ERT bertindak untuk ambil tindakan awal semasa kecemasan untuk kawal keadaan untuk kurangkan kehilangan nyawa, kecederaan, kerosakan dan kemusnahan.

Tidak kiralah apa saja jenis kecemasan.

Penubuhan ERT adalah PERCUMA! Bagaimana? Mohon kepada Sumber Manusia untuk keluarkan arahan, jadikannya sebahagian dari terma, "setiap pengawal kena jadi ahli JPAM".

Pada masa yg sama anda pergi ke pejabat JPAM dan minta nak tubuhkan ERT di tempat anda. Ia disebut sebagai CDERT [civil defence emergency response team]. Selanjutnya staf anda akan hadir pelbagai kursus JPAM dengan percuma.

Kebaikannya...percuma! anda telah berkhidmat kpd syarikat dan komuniti dlm masa yg serentak. pengawal juga boleh dpt elaun jika mereka bertugas di JPAM. Setiap anggota JPAM ditawar untuk bertugas sebagai anggota standby pada waktu2 tertentu.

Yg paling best ialah pengawal anda akan lebih smart, lebih berkemahiran dan lebih berpengetahuan. Banyak kelebihan berbanding pendekatan lain.

JPAM perlu lebih ramai orang menyertai JPAM demi untuk negara. Masuk sebelum terlambat!

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perpaduan bangsa

if we want to argue and debate, nobody will be right or wrong. all races have both, -ve and +ve. we have all.

where would you like to go? yes you can go. you can migrate away. but all of us can't migrate. I cant migrate to Indonesia or Australia. so the problem is here to stay whether we like it or not.

we have no choice but to live together. 

but we need a system. a very simple system. we already have a system. but what we really need is a change in attitude and culture. if a person do wrong, he should be punished. the punishment between the rich and the poor and among all races should be fair and square.

we must treat everybody the same. same salary, same opportunity. same in everything.

we need to have an effective education system. we cannot have different schools for different races. it will not work.

the biggest culprit in this issue are 2 group. politicians [all parties] and media [all media].

if all races can't do this, please forget about real and genuine unity because we will not achieve it.  and my conclusion is, please stop talking.